out of the reans... on to our plot

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's been a while!

The summer is over (once it finally got started)
The shite weather did more damage than our inexperience I think, but we have learnt a fair bit too.

The bad:
Onions: lost to onion fly... need to be fleeced
Japanese onions: very late and mostly weeded out.. rows need to be clearly marked
Peas: eaten (probably by mice)... need to be netted
Tomatoes: all lost to blight
Aubergines & sweet potatoes: none starter due to weather
Parsnips: weeded out... mark rows

The better:
Garlic: some bulbs split due to wet weather... need to plant more and crop as soon as fallen
Carrots: ok... plant seperately and every couple of weeks
Sweetcorn: ok, but lack of summer didn't help

The good:
Spuds: although had to be lifted early cos of blight
Lettuce & radish
20+ gem squash
3 acorn squash
5 massive pumkins...

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Leeks still on their way and looking good.