out of the reans... on to our plot

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Started chitting spuds

Another season!

Blighted spuds again! Valor seemed to fare the best, kings eds really suffered
Courgettes were a great variety but planted too close to sweetcorn and pushed many over. The corn did ok, would've been better with more space.
Sprouts didn't sprout! Only grew less than a foot - planted late or poor seeds? (as nearby cabbages were fine.)
Left the peas on the plants too long! Need to harvest when first appear.
Cauli's flowered again.

Beetroot and swedes suffered a little with slugs... more weeding, beer traps?
Kohl rabbi completely eaten at first oppurtunity!
Slightly better succes with parsnips. Need to be more on the ball with carrots - water and weeding

Onions did ok, plenty of fruits, cucumbers, beans, celery and squashes.

Need to be more on the ball harvesting this season!